The neighborhood of Bay View, located in southeast Milwaukee, launched a national competition to discover how its unique community, industrial history, and burgeoning growth could be expressed in the form of a monumental sculpture at it’s northern thoroughfare entry that also integrates a functioning bus transit shelter. While the call for proposals requested public artists, the outlined program called for both sculptural and spatial design composition, the pinnacle of which occurs at the northern apex of this scheme. This proposal evokes independence & permanence through a robust concrete foundation. An industrious and innovative optimism of steel framing springs up from the base and is skinned with glass & steel mesh panels.

The project renderings to the left comprise a proposal for reconfiguring the ‘BAY VIEW’ lettering/signage after a few events of vandalism claimed several of the existing letters. The first image below received an Award of Excellence by the American Society of Architectural Illustrators and published in 'Architecture In Perspective 34'.