STUDENT WORK - The basis for COAXIAL: MONTOTO DESIGN is largely derivative of the work I’ve conducted with students over many years in the design studio. Here, creative experimentation and examination continue to serve as binders between sociocultural conditions, the academic design studio, and potentialities for the discipline; reaching for the frontier of design and design communication.

Having instructed studios for nearly 20 years in undergraduate and graduate programs, the range of projects depict a shepherding of design studios in a way that leans on fundamentals while reaching for the unknown. Design fundamentals, creative thinking/making, design communication, history/theory, manual/digital hybridizations, and trans-disciplinarity emerge as mechanisms to find evolutionary iterations for spatial experience and function. Recent efforts have focused on unfolding sensibilities and techniques for hybrids of manual and digital tools. Coupled with trans-disciplinary exploration, this supports an overarching theme of - Design Making for Design Thinking - where drawing, modeling, experimenting, and iterating are emphasized as the means to develop, understand, and communicate spatial design.